Marginaalista keskiöön? Kansainvälinen konferenssi Lontoossa
Kansainvälinen konferenssi Lontoossa kokoaa yhteen kulttuurialan toimijoita teemoina yhdenvertaisuuden ja monimuotoisuuden kysymykset.
From the Margins to the Core?
Wednesday 24 - Friday 26 March 2010
Sackler Centre
Wednesday 24 March, 09.30-19.30 (including a performance and drinks reception)
Thursday 25 March, 09.00-17.30 (optional social dinner at 19.00 at the Rembrandt Hotel, South Kensington, £30)
Friday 26 March, 09.00-17.15
Join this ground breaking international conference bringing together museums, heritage, cultural and community organisations, to explore equality and diversity in all its aspects. This timely and significant event will be a place for dialogue and refelction on how far diversity has become core to what we do, the interconnections between equality strands and what drives change. Keynote speakers include Guardian journalist Gary Younge and U.S. artist Fred Wilson. Other contributions, including films and performances, will come from Asia, Africa, Europe and Britain. It will be a unique opportunity to share good practice, difficulties encountered and lessons learnt both in the UK and abroad, thus informing future directions and asserting the importance of this work given the social, economic and political challenges we face.
The four conference themes are:
Embedding Diversity
How far have organisations moved from addressing diversity through one-off projects to incorporating such issues into strategic planning and the core business of all staff and spheres of activity? Has the emphasis on reaching diverse audiences been at the expense of exploring how diversity affects other areas - who we employ, what we research and collect, the narratives we tell, how collections are classified and made accessible? How do these different spheres of activity interrelate and what are the barriers to developing a more holistic approach? What, if anything, do we risk in 'embedding' diversity across our organisations?
Connecting or Competing Equalities?
How interconnected are the different diversity strands - disability, gender, race, sexual and gender identity, age, socio-economic status, religion or belief? Do we emphasise one at the expense of another and is class often the poor relation? How feasible is it to move forward on all agendas simultaneously or is there a case for identifying priorities depending on the specific local or global context? How are strategic objectives arrived at and what is the impact of the different political, social, cultural, local, national and international contexts in which we operate?
Social Justice
What is the role of the museum and heritage sector in promoting equality, social justice and mutual understanding and in countering extremism and prejudice? Where is the evidence for contributions in these fields both in the UK and abroad? How able and prepared are museums and the heritage sector in dealing with controversial topics and divisions within communities?
Drivers for Change
What are the key external drivers for change and, in particular, what role does policy making play at an international, national or local level? What are the most effective institutional drivers for change - leadership, ethics, governance, strategic policy and planning, resource allocation, staff development? How democratic are we at listening to staff at all levels within the organisation? How effective are we in consulting externally and developing sustainable and equitable partnerships which encourage collaboration and build capacity of various stakeholders?
£180, £144 concessions, £51 students, for three days
£120, £96 concessions, £34 students, for two days
£60, £48 concessions, £17 students, for one day
Book online or call +44 (0)20 7942 2211
£30, optional social dinner at the Rembrandt Hotel, South Kensington,
Book online or call +44 (0)20 7942 2211
Jointly organised with University of Leicester's School of Museum Studies. The Sackler conference for arts education is generously funded by a grant from Dr.Mortimer and Theresa Sackler Foundation.
Please go to the website for the Full 3-Day Programme (N.B the programme is subject to updates) and to select your preference of break out sessions
If you require access adjustments please contact Debbie Sibley, by telephone on +44 (0)20 7942 2178 or by e-mail on