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Diversity Agents 7.1.2025

Jaana Denisova-Laulajainen: Recap and reflections of the Diversity in Municipalities celebration seminar

Three persons smiling for the camera in a seminar room.
Rozabela Singh, Arlene Tucker and Rita Paqvalén.

On a snowy November morning, people are gathering for the Diversity in Municipalities celebration seminar at the House of the National Board of Education (Opetushallituksen talo), Helsinki. Ten years ago, the topic of diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and belonging (DEIA&B) was very little spoken of. Today, it brings many people from different backgrounds, circumstances, and parts of the world together. 

Diversity in Municipalities celebration seminar held on November 22, 2024 marks the end of a two-year project ‘Diversity as a starting point for municipalities' art and culture activities in 2025’ funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM). It lasted from January 2023 to December 2024 and was carried out by The Culture for All Service in collaboration with OKM, Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), Globe Art Point (GAP), Oulu 2026, and the cultural unit of the City of Espoo. Its mission has been to enhance, educate as well as implement DEIA&B expertise and tools within the municipal sector. A lot has been done in the framework of the project: from a series of online clinics by Diversity Agents to holding a Diversity Bridgers Course and Accountability Partner Programme. All in all, Diversity in Municipalities created an opportunity for community and trust building on local and national levels.

Opening of the day

We have a packed schedule ahead of us, starting with the opening words by Arlene Tucker,  project director. She highlights the importance of creating spaces for people to come together – people who would not normally meet – to share, find and celebrate common ground, and understand our differences. I (as, probably, many other people in the room) cannot agree with her more. 

We proceed with a grounding exercise facilitated by Diversity Agent and artist Kemê Pellicer, followed by reflections from newly graduated Diversity Bridgers, Rozabela Singh (Saimaa Vocational College Sampo) and Sami Sivonen (Saimaan Nuorisoseurat). Diversity Agent and theatre practitioner Ilaria Tucci presents Diversity Agents, a network of arts and culture professionals who have multicultural backgrounds, strategic diversity skills as well as knowledge and experience of the work ethic in Finland. Anna Sidorova, arts advisor at Taike, introduces dialogue cards (the link will take you to taike's website), a new tool for promoting equality and sustainability in arts and culture services. Heli Metsäpelto (Oulu Culture Foundation) together with Ville Leino (City of Espoo) offer insights into the Accountability Partner Programme, a one and a half year pilot programme where diversity agents Ilaria Tucci and Arlene Tucker work with representatives of Espoo City and Oulu 2026 to help identify structural blocks in creating more equitable programmes and workforce.

Afternoon programme

A lively talk around hope and resilience in the art and culture field in Finland and in the Nordics between Maija Lummepuro (OKM) and Henri Terho (Taike) rounds out the afternoon. Maija and Henri are using their translanguaging skills, effortlessly switching between English and Finnish in their discussion. Throughout the whole seminar, amazing Outi Salonlahti from The Culture for All Service translates and transcribes everything that is being said, facilitating our mutual understanding across languages. Utilising various accessible tools for inclusion that meet our diverse access needs motivates Culture for All for making possible different ways of expression, communicating and understanding.

The most interactive (fun, and surprisingly emotional) part follows as we network to musical chairs: music by Yalla Collective is playing and everyone is moving around the room. Once the music stops, you sit in a chair closest to you and find yourself in the company of two or three people you may or may not know. By asking one another thoughtfully designed questions, we tell about ourselves and learn about others on a deeper level, which helps to create a feeling of togetherness and shared purpose. Even though we are given a decent amount of time, I do not want this part to end: there are so many of us in this room, and I wish I could get a chance to get to know everyone. 

However, our shared time for the day comes to an end. Culture for All’s director Rita Paqvalén takes a moment to personally acknowledge and thank everyone involved in the project. She emphasises the value of people, personal connections, and the importance of community-building. Rita reflects on the bittersweet nature of the occasion as the project reaches its conclusion. Yet, she reframes this ending as a stepping stone to new beginnings, filled with hope for the future. Rita then closes the seminar, reciting a beautiful poem “Don’t be afraid of the dark” by Erik Blomberg, reminding us not to fear the unknown, but approach it with courage and curiosity. 

Personal reflections from the seminar

As a culture producer, project coordinator, translator, and diversity agent who moved to Finland almost five years ago, my experiences are shaped by navigating a new cultural and societal landscape while working to foster inclusivity and to amplify diverse voices. These intersections inform my reflections on today’s seminar, which, like much of what I do, revolves around the ongoing DEIA&B work and community-building.

The red thread throughout the seminar, speeches, personal encounters and open dialogue, is that diversity work is an ongoing journey – one without a definitive endpoint. You are never done learning: given the vastness of the topic, there is always something new to explore in relation to structural racism, whiteness, unconscious biases, awareness of power and privilege. The change is slow, especially when it comes to challenging mentalities of certain groups and structures that have been in place for decades or even centuries. This is why we need continuity, consistency, active participation, and intentionality in our efforts when it comes to diversity work.

Everything starts from us. No organisational or structural change is possible without self-accountability, educating oneself, questioning one’s beliefs and challenging personal biases – the uncomfortable work. This is why raising diversity expertise amongst different actors is essential – only by doing the “homework” ourselves can we facilitate the change on a wider scale.

Diversity work is all about people, community, and allies. We bring in perspectives and ideas, support and rely on each other. No one can and should do this work in isolation, this is why community and relationship-building has been at the heart of the project. Seeing so many wonderful people around me warms my heart: I know neither of us is alone in what we are doing.

Dozens of people sitting in a seminar room, looking at thre screen.

Looking ahead

We do not know what the future holds. I often ask myself: does anything I do make sense and has any kind of impact? Should I even continue trying? I know I am not alone in questioning this. However, when the situation as a whole seems too hopeless, and the task at hand too broad, I think the best practice is to focus your energy and efforts on the things you can do in your immediate proximity, your organisation, and networks. Do what you can with what you have got. By focusing on tangible actions within our reach, we not only reclaim a sense of agency but also inspire those around us to do the same, allowing our collective voice and impact to grow stronger.

After all, change is rarely instantaneous; it often stems from the accumulation of small, purposeful actions. Over the course of this project, we have built a flow — a sense of momentum — that carries us forward in our shared commitment to anti-racist work. By coming together, we have  created a space for learning, reflection, and action. The work does not end here; instead, the project serves as a foundation, a reminder of what is possible when we move forward as allies and collaborators. Together, we can continue to build on this momentum, carrying the lessons and connections we have made into the future, one step at a time.

About the author:

Jaana Denisova-Laulajainen is a translator, communications specialist, cultural producer, and Diversity Agent. She has a degree in linguistics from the Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and has graduated as an Executive Master in EU studies from Centre International de Formation Européenne. She has also completed a programme in cultural management at Humak University of Applied Sciences. 

Read the rest of her diversity agent profile here.

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