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DiDa - Disability Day Art & Action 2022

Logo of Dida.

In 2022 DiDa - Disability Day Art and Action will be organised again right in the core of Helsinki, Helsinki Music Centre. The festival celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This year’s themes are fashion, design and the many styles of being me.

The program includes for example Japanese multi media artist Mari Katayama and Leena Hästbacka, who also performed in Voice of Finland. There will be art in many forms: music, performances, visual art, interesting discussions and the awarding of the Vimma Culture Award. This year part of the program will be streamed from Tornio, Oulu, Jyväskylä and Dumka, India. 

The festival is accessible, free of charge and has no age limits. The doors will be opened at 15.00. Welcome!

Time: Saturday 3.12.2022, 15.00–21.00

Place: Helsinki Music Centre, Restaurant – Club, Mannerheimintie 13a, 00100 Helsinki.


Check out the program in Finnish: www.disabilityday.net


There will be Finnish Sign Language interpretation and speech-to-text interpretation. The event space is accessible. Helsinki Music Centre has no thresholds. All the floors are served by a lift. Wheelchairs are available to borrow from the building’s Visitor Information Centre, and there are accessible toilet facilities on every floor. Tactile and braille signage is installed throughout, including at floor level. More information about the accessibility of the building at the website of Helsinki Music Centre.

Live stream

You can also follow the program online.

DiDa live stream on Zoom

Meeting ID: 839 866 4099

Passcode: TSh1eM


DiDa is organised by The Threshold Association, Tukilinja foundation, Culture for All Service, Aula-työkoti and Cultural Association Finland's EUCREA.

More information:

Taru Perälä, producer 


040 73 42 345


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