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Examples and experiences

10+1 Access, participation and cultural democracy: visions and experiences

On the occasion of their 10th anniversary, Acesso Cultura spoke with ten cultural organisations and colleagues with whom they have collaborated in various ways. This Acesso Cultura publication report finds food for thought on access, participation, and cultural democracy in Portugal. In addition, an interview with Ben Evans, Director of Arts and Disability of the British Council, brings us an international context for this reflection – and, above all, for action. The publication is also available in portuguese.

10+1 Access, participation and cultural democracy: visions and experiences (directs to Accesso Culture website)

What Makes Us the Same - Senses and Accessibility in Art and Cultural Activities

Citizens’ Forum 2023

What Makes Us the Same – Senses and Accessibility in Art and Cultural Activities (PDF) (not necessarily accessible)

The Finnish version is also available as audio book, available at

Mikä meitä yhdistää (this will take you to kansalaisfoorumi.fi)

Outreach Europe

The project Outreach Europe is an extensive survey on museums and cultural institutions spread across Europe. Outreach Europe will look at how best to work with groups that are often overlooked in outreach, inclusion and volunteering opportunities. You can have a look at the project's findings in the research page and the good practice page on the website of the project.


New Gallaudet building to be model for deaf architecture

The state-of-the-art building, based on the vision of Gallaudet University's students and faculty, is designed to make it easier for signers to communicate and understand their surroundings. Article by Pamela Brown.

New Gallaudet building to be model for deaf architecture [DOC]
New Gallaudet building to be model for deaf architecture [PDF]

Visiting Vellamo

The Maritime Museum of Finland, the Museum of Kymenlaakso and Information Centre Vellamo are all located within the Maritime Centre Vellamo. The Centre, located in Kotka, was opened to the public in summer 2008. Anne Stolt visited Vellamo and wrote a report on its accessibility.

All aboard! magazine

All aboard! - The salutogenic museum is an educational development project at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm which will run from 2008 to 2011. The publication accounts for the experiences with the project and the operational models that have been developed to enable others to work with the concept of "A philosophy of access".

All aboard! magazine [PDF]


All aboard! the salutogenic museum - Support for educational development dialogue

The publication presents models produced in the project All Aboard, an educational development project at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm which will run from 2008 to 2011.

All aboard! Support for educational development dialogue [PDF]


All aboard! the salutogenic museum - Examples of funtional developments and innnovations

The publication presents models produced in the project All Aboard, an educational development project at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm which will run from 2008 to 2011.

All aboard! Examples of funtional developments and innnovations [PDF]

All aboard! project at the Vasa Museum

All aboard! - The salutogenic museum is an educational development project at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm which will run from 2008 to 2011. The aim of the project is that every child or young person, regardless of their specific functionality
should be able to benefit from, enjoy and actively take part in the educational activities on equal terms and with due dignity.

All Aboard! project presentation [DOC]
All aboard! project presentation [PDF]


Is everything better in Sweden?

With the support of the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation, Sari Salovaara and Tuuli Rajavuori of the Culture for All service visited Sweden for a week to study museum accessibility there. What did they learn?

Is everything better in Sweden? [DOC]
Is everything better in Sweden? [PDF]


Sound Trace - Opening dialogues for visually impaired inclusion in museums

The paper describes the project Sound-trace - Opening the dialogue. Soundtrace is a service for visually impaired people and their related community for exchanging advises about exhibitions.

Opening dialogues for visually impaired inclusion in museums [PDF]

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