DiDa - Disability Day Art & Action 2017 (27.11-3.12)

DiDa – Disability Day Art & Action is a network festival celebrated around the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3 December. DiDa wants to raise questions concerning human rights and equality through high-quality and thought-provoking art works, cultural programme and action.
As a part of Finland’s centenary year programme, the second annual DiDa network festival highlights disabled persons’ right to independent life and self-determination.
What’s on?
The main event of DiDa will take place on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3 December 2017 in Ruohis tapahtumatila, Ruoholahti, Helsinki. There will be music and dance performances, films, photography exhibition and much more.
This year DiDa will be celebrated for the whole week from 27 November to 3 December. The programme of the week will include seminars, interpreted tours to exhibitions and much more.
If you are arranging or want to arrange an event covering the themes of disability during the festival week, you are warmly welcome to the network.
Who are organizing DiDa?
The main partners of the network festival are Threshold Association, Abilis Foundation, Tukilinja, Eucrea Finland ry and Culture for All Service.
DiDa will be organized for the second time this year by several disability NGOs, actors from the cultural field and other organizations. We are looking for partners to join the collaboration as event hosts, programme producers or main partners. If you are interested in joining the collaboration, please contact the producer.
Producer Oona Simolin, tel. +358 44 2909 651, info.disabilityday(a)gmail.com