Annual meeting and discussion An equal art field: An impossible combination?

Welcome to the annual meeting of For Culture on Equal Terms and to the discussion An equal art field: An impossible combination? Friday 10.5.2019 starting at 12!
The event is arranged in the new premises of Luckan and the old premises of the Amos Artmuseum on Yrjönkatu 27 in Helsinki. Before the discussion there is a tour to the premises of Luckan with the Executive Director Karl Norrbom as guide. Please register to the annual meeting, and to the discussion by Monday 6.5.through this link.
In the discussion An equal art field: An impossible combination? we ask what does an equal art field look like, especially from the perspective of artists with disabilities. Discussants are the Project Manager Katriina Rosavaara (Vertaistaiteilijat project), the visual artists Aleksi Pietikäinen and Juhani Rusanen, and Sari Salovaara, Special Advisor / Culture for All. Diversity Trainer Martina Marti will introduce the topic by presenting the info cards regarding the equal artist path. The discussion will be in Finnish and the annual meeting in English.
The Annual meeting will elect a new chair person as well as 4 board members and possible vice members. Next in turn to resign is the chairperson Tiina Rosenberg, board members Cecilia McMullen (Luckan rf), Tuuli Rajavuori (Finnish Museums Association), Roger Renman (The Finnish Association of Adult Education Centres KoL) and Tomi Purovaara (Globe Art Point ry) and the vice board members Mika Hakala (The Finnish Association of Adult Education Centres KoL) and Sepideh Rahaa (Globe Art Point ry). Rosenberg is not willing to continue as the chair person, but the present associations are willing to continue with their representatives as board members.
The annual report can be found (in Finnish) on the Culture for All's website.
The audit report and the financial statement 2018 will be handed out at the annual meeting.
12.00 A guided tour in the premises of Luckan, Executive Director Karl Norrbom
12.30 Coffee
13.00 Discussion An equal art field: An impossible combination?
Diversity trainer Martina Marti: An equal artist path
Panel discussion: Project Manager Katriina Rosavaara, visual artists Aleksi Pietikäinen and Juhani Rusanen, and Special Advisor Sari Salovaara
Surprise program
14.00 Annual meeting
The premises of Luckan are accessible, there is an accessible toilet, an hearing loap can be installed if needed and assisting dogs are welcome. The accessible entrance can be found south of the main entrance, around the corner in the small passage that connects Yrjönkatu to Kukontori. Call the Executive Director Rita Paqvalén 040 674 3428, and she will come and open the door.