Disability History Month

The second Disability History Month in Finland will be celebrated in September 2025. Disability History Month is a set of events repeated every year in September with the aim to encourage individuals, communities and different organisations to examine our shared history from the perspective of disability. We invite everyone to highlight and explore the history of people with disabilities in diverse ways!
You can participate by sharing stories, photos and experiences on social media and web, by organising smaller and bigger events or discussions or exhibitions related to disability. For instance libraries and museums can put on display works or material related to disability or share them in their communications. We encourage also other actors to highlight the theme in different ways!
You can add events organised during the Disability History Month in the event calendar all year round: Add Your Event (directs to vammaishistoria.info)
For example the recording of the Disability History Month seminar 2024 offers inspiration and information about disability history (in Finnish): Historian vallattomat - Näkökulmia vammaishistoriaan (directs to YouTube)
In the background of Finnish Disability History Month is a network consisting of individuals and organisations. The network, which started in 2022, includes researchers, artists, activists, NGOs, arts and culture organisations, memory organisations and universities.
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For more information, please contact Culture for All Service:
Outi Salonlahti, outi.salonlahti@cultureforall.fi, 040 963 9908