Literature without borders 18.3.2016
The Nordic countries are becoming more and more multilingual, and many writers living in the Nordic countries are writing in other languages than the Nordic ones. The increasing multilingualism of the North brings new possibilities, but also challenges to the field of literature. What is the position of the writers writing in other languages than the national ones within the literary field and how does literature travel across language and national borders in the Nordic countries?
The aim of the seminar Literature without borders is to examine the
literary field from a multilingual perspective and to find new
approaches and solutions to the problems that these writers are facing
in the field of Nordic literature.
Time and place
seminar will take place 18.3.2016 at 9.00-18.00 in the Nordic Culture
Point (Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki) and International Cultural Centre
Caisa (Meeting rooms, Vuorikatu 14, 2nd Floor). The day will continue
with multilingual literature club in the International Cultural Centre
Caisa (Festivity Hall, Vuorikatu 14, 1st Floor) at 19.00.
The language of the seminar is English. The literature club in the evening is multilingual.
The seminar is free of charge and open for everyone intrerested in litterature. Please register to the seminar through Webropol, no later than 1st March.
Live stream
The seminar will be live streamed on 18.3. at 9-11 and 13-17 on ustream.tv
NB! In order to be able to watch the streaming, you will first need to see an ad. The organizers have not chosen the ad.
Videos ans article
Videos from all the presentations and panel discussions are available on YouTube.
TING-hall in the Nordic Culture Point and all facilities in Caisa are
accessible. Assistant dogs are welcome and there is an accessible toilet
in Caisa. Unfortunately an induction loop cannot be used at the TING
hall, because of the electromagnetic disturbance coming from outside
sources. More information about the accessibility of Caisa.
Moderator: Rita Paqvalén, Culture for All Service
9.00–9.30 Registration and coffee
9.30–10.00 Opening
Annika Nummelin, Nordic Culture Point
Rita Paqvalén, Culture for All Service
Mikael Höysti, Culture and Resources, the Nordic Council of Ministers
10.00–10.30 Non-dominant language writers in Nordic literary institutions
Outi Korhonen, Culture for All Service
10.30–11.00 National and language borders in Nordic literature from a historic perspective
Heidi Grönstrand, The project Multilingualism in contemporary literature in Finland
11.00–11.15 Pause
11.15–12.00 Workshops
a) Writers Unions and Multilingualism
Introduction: Kerstin Bennett, Norwegian Authors´ Union
b) Multilingual networks of/for writers
Introduction: Anisur Rahman, Litteraturcentrum Uppsala
c) Grants and multilingualism
Introduction: Jesper Söderström, Sveriges författarfond
d) Transnational publishing in the Nordic countries
Introduction: Vuokko Hirvonen, Sámi University College
e) Translation
Introduction: Jaana Nikula, Kääntäjien ammattiosasto KAOS ry
f) Multilingual writers visits
Introduction: Ilmi Villacís, The Finnish Reading Centre
12.00–13.00 Lunch
13.00–13.15 Conclusions of the workshops
13.15–14.00 Panel I: Evaluation and multilingualism
participants: Maili Öst (SARV, The Finnish Critics' Association), Malin
Kivelä (Society of Swedish Authors in Finland), Jesper Söderström
(Sveriges författarfond), Kerstin Bennett (Norwegian Authors'
Union) & Niels Ivar Larsen (journalist, Dagbladet Information). Moderator: Elisabeth Nordgren (SARV, The Finnish Critics'
14.00–14.15 The Sámi literature as an example of transnational literature
Vuokko Hirvonen, Sámi University College
14.15–14.45 Coffee
14.45–15.45 Statements by the writers
Polina Kopylova, Manal Al Sheikh & Inger-Mari Aikio
15.45–16.30 Panel II: New beginnings (Nordic Culture Point)
How to live and work in exile, often still under threat.
participants: Thomas Wallgren (Helsinki City Council), ICORN authors
Anisur Rahman (Uppsala), Manal Al Sheikh (Stavanger) & Mazen Maarouf
(Reykjavík). Moderator: Iida Simes (Finnish PEN)
17.00–18.00 Reception
19.00–22.00 Multilingual literature eve: FR33MHZ: MUTANTTIKIELTÄ
The seminar will be organized in cooperation with Culture for All Service, The Finnish Critics' Association, The Finnish Reading Centre, Finnish PEN, The International Cultural Centre Caisa, The Nordic Culture Point and Sivuvalo project.