Ohita navigaatio


      At an accessible cultural site diverse audiences are served well. They all have the possibility to participate and experience things. Easy and unobstructed information provision, moving, seeing, hearing and interaction increase accessibility. Individual ways of functioning are taken into account.

      Accessibility means a client-based approach that improves everyone´s possibilities to participate. Clear signs, for example, are useful for all users, as are sufficiently sized and well-lit access routes.

      A large part of people may be excluded from a service if attention isn´t paid to removing obstacles to participation. As many as one third of the population have restrictions caused by ageing when it comes to, for example, seeing, hearing or moving.

      Comprehensive assessment of accessibility pays attention to accessibility in communications, by e.g. using different languages, and accessibility in pricing, by e.g. offering graded admittance fees. Accessibility of the physical environment means, for example, access routes that are sufficiently sized and don´t include stairs. Multisensory accessibility relates to the opportunities to gain information through different senses, and intellectual accessibility to providing background information and making contents easier to understand. Social and cultural accessibility involves, for example, considering the effect of different cultural backgrounds and subcultures on how interested the services are found. All these dimensions of accessibility can be influenced through open attitudes and decision making. More information on the different dimensions of accessibility can be found on the English-language pages of this website under the heading Accessibility -> What is accessibility, and in Swedish under the heading Tillgänglighet -> Vad är tillgänglighet?

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